Red: Red symbolizes passion, love, joy, sex, friendship, and courage. It is the blood running through our veins and the sunsets that consume the skies. It is our bravery and our enthusiasm, as we fight for the people we love, and the dreams we have throughout our lives. Red is rebellion, the fight, and the fire bursting from our soul. It is both destruction and rebirth, red proudly fuels the circle of life.
Orange: Orange is our joy, laughter and success. The overwhelming feeling of confidence and authority. The optimism that fills the world with positivity. The light that fills the room, and helps everything it touches shine brighter. Orange is the strength that stops the world from overwhelming us.
Yellow: Yellow is our intuition. It represents the thoughts that swirl through your mind and the wind that blows through the earth. It is the powerful color of air and the analytical thought that connects everything on earth. It is the communication of all things throughout the universe. Yellow is the magic of clairvoyance and the unlimited source of intellect, inside all things.
Green: Green is the earth and all it’s abundance. It is our luck and good fortune, the materials we surround ourselves with. It is structure, money, and prosperity. Green is a symbol of health, and wealth, both physically and metaphysically. It welcomes in the gift of human made structure, as well as animalistic instinct. Green is the atomic composition of the universe, as well as the metaphysical understanding of multiple realms. Green is fertility and healing. It represents the unlimited resources that the earth provides to heal the body, and the soul. It is the color of life, bringing birth and rebirth to all things.
Blue: Blue is the calmness of a trickling stream, and the immense power of the ocean. It washes away our stress, and cleanses our bodies. Blue is the healer that purifies the universe. It is the flow of life and connection between all living things on earth. Blue helps us to meditate and visualize our metaphysical place within the galaxy. Blue is the reflection of our empathy and forgiveness. It is the color of rational emotion and inner guidance. Blue gives us the power to see the big picture, and embrace our inner fluidity.
Purple: Purple is the spiritual energy that connects us to the unseen world of different realms. It is the veil that separates our world from the the swirling loose energy of the spirits. Purple is wisdom, gained from not only physical experience, but metaphysical as well. It is spiritual awareness, the ability to see the creatures, and entities throughout multiple worlds and dimensions. It is divination, psychic energy that swirls through our soul. It is faery dust, dragon fire, and elvish jewels.
White: White is the spirit. White is the connection with multiple dimensions and realms. It surrounds us with protective energy, and fills us with peace. White is pure cleansing light, and essence. It charges our tools, and clears the smog that fogs our minds. White is our spirit, the protection and support that we give others. It is the web that connects all things, and every universe.
Pink: Pink is the love and embrace of friendship. The warm, confident feeling of acceptance. It is the harmony between all beings, and the balance of the universe. Pink is laughter, and excitement. It is the carefree, playful celebration of life. Pink is emotional and spiritual fellowship, the care and trust that we have for one another.
Black: Black is the combination of every color, the raw color of all energy in the universe. Black is the beginning and the end. Black connects us with multiple realms, protects us from negativity and binds us to the circle of life. It is space, time, creation and destruction. The color of both death and rebirth. Black is what everyone and everything once was, and it is what we all return to.