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Why do We Empower Things?

Why do we empower things?: We empower objects, tools, herbs, stones, divination tools, and anything used for ritual work to charge it with energy. Sometimes when you empower objects you are empowering them for a specific use. When you are empowering a tool for a very specific use, such as empowering a broom stick to help you identify people coming into your home with ill intent, that is referred to as enchantment. When you are empowering objects for a more general use such as empowering herbs for a luck potion, that is called basic empowering, or just empowering. When you are empowering objects to fill them with positive energy, cleanse and protect them, that is called blessing. For example, when blessing a deck of tarot cards before using them for divination work. All forms of empowerment have different uses and reasons for being used. In some cases multiple forms of empowerment are used. For example, when blessing a tarot card deck, someone might also enchant the deck to help fill it with intentional energy, and make its psychic energy more powerful.


Enchantment: Enchantment is used for charging objects with intentional energy. Enchantment is unique because it’s used to manipulate specific types of energy, by using long periods of meditation, incantations and circle casting to help your object retain magical properties. If you want your object to work as a spell all on its own, then you will want to use enchantment. Enchantment can also be used on a finished potion, or divination tool to help charge it with magic and power. Enchantment is essentially putting a basic spell on an object. The only time you want to do this is if the enchanted object will only be used for one specific purpose, and it will not be mixed with anything else.


The difference between a spell and an enchantment is, an enchantment only requires one item. A spell requires many ingredients. The enchantment still requires all the items needed to cast a circle but, other than that you only need to have the object you are enchanting. For a spell, you usually need to cast a circle, as well as collect many ingredients.


Basic empowerment: Basic empowerment is used for anything that you collect for ritual work. Basic empowerment is filling an object, herb, stone, crystal, or tool with energy. You are using your own energy and energy from the universe to charge the item with energy and intent, making the properties that you’re using it for more powerful. This is something that you use on every tool, material, and ingredient that you use for your craft.


Blessing: This is done when you want to protect and cleanse the object you are empowering. This can also be done on a human, animal, or plant. When blessing something you might use other tools such as sage, tigers eye, selenite, athame, wand, or salt water. The main purpose of blessing as a form of empowerment is to cleanse and protect the object, person, plant, or animal, by charging it with energy.

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