Cleansing Ritual Tools
The psychic clearing is just meditating with the object, focusing on removing the negative energy.
Invoking the quarters just means casting a circle. The suggested supplies to gather, are just items that represent each element and the spirit. You’re welcome to use any items that represent each element and the spirit.
Telling the tool your intentions is just an incantation. Write down your incantation and burn it.
Bidding farewell is just opening the circle.
Why do we cleanse our tools:
Energy exists within all things. The sound waves in our words contain energy. The electrical transference of neurotransmitters within our brain, creates energy as we think and feel. As plants grow, and photosynthesize they produce energy. The movement of oceans and rivers creates energy. There is negative and positive energy that swirls through the universe. We want to help guide the energy into our tools, using as many different types of intentional energy as possible. We try to fill our tools with specific kinds of energy, depending on what you are using that tool for. Sometimes that means that we want to remove all of the negative energy, meditate on positive energy, and pass the tool through different types of positive energy that exists within the four elements, and the spirit. Negative energy is also needed to create balance, positive energy doesn’t exist without negative energy. There is no good energy and bad energy, only wanted and unwanted energy, or needed and unneeded energy. It all depends on the situation. The dualities of life create balance throughout the universe. When doing a basic cleansing ritual you typically are removing the negative energy from an object, and trying to guide positive energy into it. You are also guiding intentional energy into it, which means energy filled with intention. To fill energy with intention you meditate, using the energy of your thought and focusing on what the tools will be used for. When you cleanse something you are clearing it it of the unintentional energy flowing through it.
Things to remember:
Cleanse everything you use for ritualistic purposes. That includes all potions, spells, divination work, circle casting, sabbath celebrations and empowerment rituals.
There are many ways to cleanse, this is just a basic cleansing ritual, we will learn many other ways to cleanse your tools and ritual items.