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  • Harvesting and empowering your herbs:

  • Things to remember:

  • What is magical intent?:

  • The intention that you hold in your mind, while you pick the herbs you are using.

  • The meaning of your incantations.

  • What you are hoping to use your herbs for.

  • Why do you need to empower your herbs?:

  • Empowering gives the herbs more energy. Herbs alone are a source of energy. They are filled with energy that they soak in from the sun, and energy that they obtain from water. They are also filled with energy from the earth, and energy that they soak in from the air. Empowering them with intention channels even more energy into them. The more energy that they are able to harness, the more powerful they become.

  • Herbs pull energy in from earth, air, fire, and water, which makes them vessels for all sorts of powerful energy. Empowering helps to align the vibrations of that energy, towards the intended purpose.

  • Storing your herbs: After you have cleansed and empowered your herbs make sure to dry them out, unless you are using them within the next day or two. Lay them out in the sun for a while and help guide their vibrations, and magical intent with an incantation. Place them in an air tight container like a jar with a twist off lid.


  • Growing your own herbs: Most cut herb bundles (the kind you get from the grocery store) can be grown into whole new plants. Remove the bottom leaves from the stems, but keep the top ones, and soak them, cut side down in warm water. Once roots have sprouted, transfer to dirt and watch it grow!


When growing your own herbs and plants for ritual work, it is best if you cast a circle around your garden while you plant everything. Make sure to empower all of your plants, cleanse them, and fill them with intention and love whenever possible. Whenever you’re doing any ritual work or divination work, do it in your garden if possible, filling your plants with powerful energy.


  • Water your plants with moon water, as long as there is no salt in it, and enchanted water of any kind. Sun water is perfect for watering plants, as well as earth water.

  • Cleanse, and empower the dirt you use in your garden.

  • Surround your plants in crystals, stones, and talismans.

  • Meditate with your plants as much as possible.

  • Talk to your plants.

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